How Willie Mays Made A Little Kid's
Dream Come True
Benson Wong
Benson Wong - 8
years old
I was 8 years old, I
heard from a
schoolmate that my
hero, Willie Mays,
moved into the
neighborhood, right
down the block on
Spruce St. in San
One morning while
Mom was rushing off to
work, I informed her that
I felt too sick to go to
school. Mom stood in front
of my bed and told me, "I
want you to Stay in Bed,
No TV and No
Playing Around!"
Shortly after Mom left,
I got out of bed (I felt
much better) ...and
peeked out the window
and watched her get on
the 55 Sacramento bus.
Then I brushed my teeth,
washed my face, and put
on my Giants (Willie
Mays #24)
uniform...grabbed my
cap, glove, bat, ball,
pen, and autograph
book...and headed down
the street to pay Willie
Mays a visit.
On my way to visit
Willie, I was a little
nervous about walking
down the street and
being seen by my
neighbors, especially by
Mr. & Mrs. White.
They were both
passionate about getting
a good education. Mrs.
White was the consummate
educator in the SFUSD
for many years.
As I quickly walked past
their house, I heard a
voice calling out,
"Young fella, where are
you going? Aren't you
supposed to be in
school? You shouldn't be
out playing now. You've
got to get an
I said, Hi Mr. White. I
will, but I have to go
see Willie Mays first.
Mr. White responded,
"Willie Mays, where???"
I pointed to Willie's
building as Mr. White
came down the stairs and
walked with me to the
I asked Mr. White if he
wanted to go see Willie
with me. Mr. White
softly said, "Ok, You
better hurry up and go
see Willie!"
As I got to Willie's
front door, I turned
around and saw Mr. White
watching me from across
the street. I smiled and
waved to him and
thought, Good thing Mrs.
White is at school or
else we might be in Big
I rang Willie's doorbell
and when Willie pulled
the handle (from the 3rd
floor) that opened the
front door down on the
1st floor, he called
out, "Who's there?" in a
deep, and kind of loud
and scary voice. I
answered (in my 8 yr.
old, high pitched voice)
"It's me Willie. Can I
have your autograph?"
There was a slight
pause, and then Willie
said, "Come on up!"
Willie lived up on the
third floor...that had a
long, winding flight of
stairs. When I got about
half-way up the stairs,
Willie asked me, "What's
taking you so long???" I
answered, "I dropped my
ball and it's rolling
down the stairs." Willie
said, "Well, hurry up
and go get it!" I
answered, "Ok, Willie."
When I finally got my
ball, (which bounced all
the way back down to the
1st floor) and made it
to the 3rd floor, Willie
was standing at the top
of the stairs with a
spatula in his hand. I
said, hi to Willie, and
asked him what he was
doing with that. (I
smelled eggs cooking)
Willie didn't answer me,
but he had a smile on
his face as he put the
spatula between his
knees and started
signing my bat, glove,
ball, and autograph
I then proceeded to make
an innocent, but stupid
comment: "Willie, You
know what? You Are My
Best Fan!" and Willie
answered, "Oh Yeah?" I
said, yeah. Then I said
to myself, "How stupid
of me!"...but I didn't
correct myself.
Then I asked Willie if I
could see his trophies.
Willie led me to a large
glass display case that
had some of his
pictures, gold gloves,
gold bats, balls, and
other trophies. All I
could say was, "WOW!"
Before I finally left
Willie's apartment, I
had the nerve to ask
Willie if I could be his
batboy sometime, and he
answered, "We'll see.
Come back another time
because I have to get to
the ballpark." I thanked
Willie and then left.
As I was walking home, I
heard Mr. White's voice,
"Ben, well, let me see
what you got! Oh yeah,
that says Willie Mays
for sure. That's the
real thing. Mmmm hmmm.
You better keep that
safe. That will be very
valuable someday. You
better hurry up and get
to school now!"
I said, ok...but when I
got home, I was a little
hungry, so I got a
spatula and pan out, and
made some scrambled
eggs. (I even put the
spatula between my
knees, just like Willie
Then I opened my
lunchpail and ate my
lunch that Mom made for
me. I stayed home for
the rest of the day and
kept thinking about what
just happened. WoW, I
did it! I saw Willie
Mays and talked to him!
Woo Hoo! Yes!
...and Yes, I did get in
a little trouble. I made
the mistake of getting
too excited and telling
my older sister what
happened. She couldn't
wait for Mom to get home
so that she could tattle
on me...Sigh. I got a
lecture and was probably
grounded from
remember. But it was all
worth it!
As you can imagine, I
was on cloud nine, the
happiest kid in the
The next season, I got
to be a batboy for a day
for Willie and the SF
Note: My parents found
out about me being a
batboy in Herb Caen's
column. I was shocked
when my Dad showed me
the short article and
asked me about it. The
article read something
like, "The most envied
kid in town. Benson Wong
got to sit in the dugout
and be Willie Mays'
batboy for the day."
I wondered how Herb Caen
knew? I wish that
I could find that

Willie and
Ben in Willie's Kitchen.

Willie Mays'
kindness helped set the tone for
my love for sports. The simple
dream of wanting to meet Willie
Mays, and then making that dream
come true, also helped mold my
positive outlook on life and gave
me the courage, confidence and
knowingness that I could create
and have just about anything I
wanted in life, if I set my mind
to it.
P.S. I recently read this story to
Mom. She smiled and said that I
was a naughty boy for fibbing to
her.about being too sick to go to
school. I said, "Sorry Mom!" We
both laughed. Mom is 92 years old
now. She was 34 years old when
this happened. lol. 😊
story was featured in "The Ultimate
Sports Guide" on July 3,
2018. I never thought of
publishing this story. One day, I
just decided to put it on paper to
share with my kids, family, and a
few friends.. Photographer
extraordinaire Ed Jay read my
story and liked it a lot. He
presented the story to the
magazine. Cool! Thank you, Ed.Jay
and The Ultimate Sports Guide.

Ben at
Candlestick Park, S.F.